Monday, June 24, 2019

Stimulation of the senses is heightened on Mackinac.

Currently, the smell of lilacs fills the air...along with horse manure and urine.... which are omnipresent  :)

Sounds of water lapping on the shore of Lake Huron in front of the cottage; sea gulls squawking; light house horn protecting us when foggy; horses clopping to and fro and horns from boats/freighters both small and long (1,000 feet).

Visually there is nothing to compare....  Flowers today for you!

My attempt at macro photography.  This is a lilac.

Lilly of the valley in macro. 



Giant peony,  Others are just now opening. 

Geraniums at Cable Cottage

Bouquet used for a reception I attended. 

And the prettiest picture of all, my Winnie dozing in a window sill.  

1 comment:

  1. It’s so beautiful! I can’t wait to experience this in person!
