Friday, August 2, 2019

Chatter Matters....


The Boy Scouts of America, wishing to “Strengthen the Arm of Liberty,” placed 200 small replicas of the Statue of Liberty across the US in 1949/50. 

Mackinac Island, Michigan yacht harbor was one fortunate site chosen.

By 2012, she was looking pretty ragged, so the local American Legion and Department of Natural Resources raised nearly $60,000 to bring her back to glory. 

She went off Island for a major “redo,” and ultimately returned to stand proudly over MI harbor protecting all who come, go and even those who choose to stay!

She says, “Thanks.”  Most of her sister Ladies of Liberty no longer exist!
August 2019. 

August 2019.


Winter 2012

Summer, 2019
Each week a boy or girl scout troop from Michigan stands guard over Fort Mackinac. Here the boy scouts are preparing to lower the flag by the yacht harbor. 

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Chatter Matters about random "stuff" today.

I wander; I snap....

Zoom in and you can see that on this barge is a Gordon Foods truck as well as a Sisco truck.  This is how groceries come to the Island. 

View from my window through the curtains.  This horse-drawn carriage will pick up tourists and tour them about the Island. 

Bikes for all sizes and shapes. 

Bike racks!!

Bicycles from the Old-Time bike gathering on the Island. 

An interesting million-dollar weird boat in the harbor. Built by Burger boat builders. 

Coleus do well on the Island.

A friendly cab driver. 

 Love this creative way of showing flowers

 A favorite shot of the roses in foreground and Round Island lighthouse in background. 


This was a very orange moon known as a blood moon.  My phone camera did not do it justice

 Luggage and other items transported on MI.

This is the Stanzione/Winston's stuff on a cart as they leave for Illinois an Georgia.  Please note the cool OLD rocker destined for Logan Stanzione's new home.  Yeah!!

 Peonies as big as dinner plates!

 English phone booth at Grand Hotel.

 I love the pink geraniums.

 A new meaning of "potted" plant. 

 Japanese Iris. 

 Yacht crews drying their sails which they fold and store in their yacht as they head home under power. 

 Another cute idea for flowers.

 Stick man living in a gorgeous flower garden.

 The "manure-picker-upper" vehicle.

 A wagon full of wonderful flowers.

A yacht crossing the finish line in the Chicago to Mackinac Yacht Race. 

This may be my last Michigan post, but I intend to continue through the year with some stuff you might be interested in.  

Monday, July 15, 2019

Educatin' and Learnin' 'bout Mackinac...

 There is an explanation for the difference in pronunciation and spelling,  and it goes something like this.  Settlers of the area vs. Indians of the area had their own ideas of how it should be. 

This is the Mackinac Bridge which connects the lower and upper peninsulas of Michigan. When on the bridge headed north; theoretically, Lake Michigan is on your left and Lake Huron on your right.  I am certain you remember HOMES:  Lakes Huron, Ontario. Michigan, Erie and Superior. 

I share a small map of the area in which Mackinac Island rests. Put on your glasses , study it carefully...test to follow.  The blue circle identifies Mackinac Island.

I trust this will help clarify just where Mackinac Island is located. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Horsin' Around on Mackinac Island....

Horse is king on this Island.

Good morning neigh-bor.

"I've got my eye on you."

 I want her pretty lashes. 

"Like my new pedicure"?
Surely this is a girl horse.

The proud new Hackney/Percheron mix on the Island.

This gorgeous team pulls a Grand bus. 

Happy young girl and her buddy on a trail ride.


Boot scootin' flower pot. 

Once used for tying up more.  Bikes take over.

A lilac festival horse with a purple eye. 

And for those of you with a lust for you go.  
Thanks to Emily Deese for her work on this. 

The end.....  Let me know you enjoyed this. 

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Saturday on Mackinac Island

More visuals.....

Chambong.   Champagne is poured in the larger/wine-glass end and then tipped and poured into one's mouth via the skinny end.  It works!  Quite nice, actually!

I love the Island but not when it is this crowded downtown. Five of July.

I know no details, but this strawberry was cruising through town.  

Watching the fudge makers prepare fudge and share a few samples is always fun.

Hey!  Hay for the horses!

Horse wash...sort of like a car wash off-Island. 

This is a UPS delivery. 

The end.  I am going downtown for some yummy fudge!