104th Race to Mackinac, 326 yachts, 2,000 men, 7 women, 105 rum drinks, 336 belly laughs, 153 heart-to-hearts, 19 years for first mate Cathy and Captain Kim, my good friends, on their #1 virtual reality boat THE CHIT CHAT!
Cathy Waggoner of Springfield Ohio and Kim Beach of Cincinnati who originated the idea of the virtual reality sale boat, the Chit Chat, have sailed...along with their crew...to the Island for 19 years!
Yachts & yachts of yachts in the Mackinac Harbor during the Chicago to Mackinac race.
The Cable Cottage also known as Chit Chat Race Headquarters.
Olympic opening ceremony...can you guess the countries? |
Lights on for the 3rd Annual Euchre' Party, Red Solo Cup style!![]() All the fixings for the Euchre' evening! |